Picture tag

Yeah, thanks Lisa. Like I have time to even post anything…. And I really do have sooo much more to say.

Simple rules- Go to your sixth picture folder and choose your sixth picture. Post it!
Tag Six People

Here are my taggies first. Tawni (cuz I don’t see enough pics of my nephew & hoping it’s one of him), Lin (cuz I know you’ll do it), Rachel (cuz I know you read my blog :-), Tabitha (cuz I’m interested to see what you pull up), Melia (cuz you need to blog…), & Aleesha (cuz I’m hoping it’s a recent preggers pic of you!).

Here is a strait out of the camera photo of my little sister from her 17 year old photo session we just did. By the way she is fabulous with the twins!!!! Seriously, she is more competent and calm then most seasoned moms are with them.

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